Category Topics

Designing with GaN FETs and ICs

This category is for questions and support related to design techniques and best practices to be applied to circuits using GaN transistors and integrated circuits.

Demo Boards and Reference Designs

Use this category for questions related to reference designs to further discussions and understanding of the design and use of GaN-based reference designs. EPC has many reference designs found here:

Characteristics of GaN FETs and ICs

This category is for questions and support related to understanding the key electrical characteristics of EPC’s GaN transistors and ICs (compared to silicon solutions) to help you realize the best performance to meet your specific design goals and optimize your circuit.

GaN FETs and ICs in Applications

This category is for general support and questions related to the integration of EPC product in your designs not covered by one of the sub-categories below. Please use this category to detail all project specifications (input/output voltage and current, voltage and current ratings, efficiency requirements, etc.) for EPC GaN Experts to better assist you.

GaN FETs and ICs Reliability and Quality

This category is for questions and support related to the reliability and quality of GaN FETs and ICs, including the fundamental physics of failure in GaN devices, how to predict lifetime, and field reliability.

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