Simulation of GaN Reverse recovery

Hi, You state that GaN MOSFET has no reverse recovery current. I am using a simple buck converter circuit to simulate the behavior of this GaN MOSFET and compare it to a normal MOSFET. I am using Simetrix and your SPICE model for EPC2001. Simulation does show reverse recovery current even bigger than common MOSFET (ISC230N10NM6). Could you, please, explain this.

And it’s true, we have zero recovery.
The current spike you might see should be the Coss discharge current. You can double check by integrating the current you see over time to obtain the charge, and compare with the Qoss.
The current spike is higher because our FETs switching is much faster, so shorter discharge time. Duration should be very short, and total charge is smaller than same RDSon MOSFET.
It would help if you can post waveforms.
Viceversa, reverse recovery of a Silicon MOSFET is very difficult to model, as it changes with temperature, dI/dt and diode freewheeling time.

Best regards